A soul's journey into this world
begins in the mother's womb. According to ancient Indian beliefs, it's in the
third month of the pregnancy that Lord Brahma begins scripting its destiny.
Thus primarily five major decisions are made that together comprise of one's
destiny:- 1. The soul's spiritual journey, 2. The career path, 3. Monetary
gains and losses, 4. Progeny and 5. Death are pre-decided. These factors govern
the soul's present life on earth and developments occur as ordained.
The Horoscope drawn as per the
arrangement of the stars at the time of birth aids in studying and
ascertaining, reading about the subject's life in meticulous detail.
The first factor- The soul's spiritual journey
Lord Brahma himself decides what
spiritual course the subject's life will take. The speed of spiritual growth and the extent of
God- realisation that the soul may achieve in its present lifetime is also
predetermined. One thus comes across two
types of people walking this earth. The first type being those who are born
non-believers of God. As much as you try, you can rarely convert atheists. While
the second type are those who are born with the love for God in their hearts.
Try and convince them against Him, they will continue with unwavering faith,
even tormenting their physical being for attainment of God, at times. It is
these spiritual pursuits that the people undertake in this life that will see
them through their journey in the next life too. Yagna (religious
bon-fire),Tirth (holy water), Pooja (prayer rituals), Daan (donations) and
Anushthan (fasting)are all religious offerings made to God for attaining
spiritual reconciliation. The degree of involvement or participation in such
religious actions are considered to be the major contributing factor to building
a strong foundation for a great journey in the next life.
The second factor- The career
However surreal it may seem, your
source of income or your career path is also written in your destiny. You are
ordained at the time of birth itself, to
be a scientist or an engineer, administrative officer, police officer, legal
advisor or even a businessman. If you are a destined to be a businessman, the
particular field of business you would be delving in is also indicated by the
stars in your horoscope. It may also be clearly
indicated that the subject would be working with Iron, while another
could be showing great strength in dealing with Gold & Silver and yet another
could very well be cutout to deal in real estate and property matters. The
Horoscope is a window that gives a peek into your future. Learning about the
career destined for you through your Horoscope helps one know precisely which career
move will help you in easily achieving desired success and bring prosperity. It
is observed that sometimes an Engineer or a Doctor is still dissatisfied with
his/her career graph even after securing supportive degrees for his career. This may have happened mainly because the
Horoscope suggests that the subject is destined for a particular field of study
and the career choice made by the subject has been contradictory to what he's
destined to excel in. It is thus imperative that one understands the career charted
out for you in your Horoscope.
The third factor- Monetary gains and losses.
It is a world known fact that
money influences the quality of our life at every step. The financial status or
monetary gains and losses are also clearly predicted in the subject's horoscope.
You are born with stars that make you a Millionaire or Billionaire or even a
debtor in life. Minute details of your financial ups and downs can be studied
through the Horoscope. There's one way you could also protect yourself from
sudden monetary losses. The time span between one birthday and the subsequent
is referred to as your 'Annual Prediction'. Based on this reading you can
determine whether financial losses have been predicted that year or do you
stand to profit? If it is to be a profitable period, you may secure your
financial gain through straightforward solutions suggested by Astrology.
Similarly you may also protect yourself from or entirely erase the possibility
of financial losses too. Each year is undoubtedly different from the next. One
could say that in a particular year if you've built a property, the next you
may be mortgaging that very same property and picking up loans, to surf through
a financially low period. Each 'Annual Prediction' is thus inevitably different from the
previous or the next.
The fourth factor- Progeny
The stars in the Horoscope speak clearly
whether the subject is destined to give birth to children or not. And if so,
how many? At what age will the subject's first born arrive? Will it be a boy or
a girl? Everything about the subject's progeny and their future is also
predetermined. How attached or detached will the children be from the subject?
Will the children carry your legacy forward, bring it to a status quo or even
send everything you have built in your lifetime, down the drain? Will your
lineage flourish through your scion or does it end there? Your own Horoscope
can also tell you everything about your child's life-span, financials, career,
character, anomalies, diseases that would possibly affect him and even your
inter-personal relationship with him, in meticulous detail. When the stars in
the Horoscope that predict the progeny seem to be flawed, a child that will
destroy the family's future is born.
The fifth factor- Death
Age at which death will occur or
the subject's life-span is also pre-destined. One may have observed that there
are numerous causes of death and ways in which a person dies. Some die a
pre-mature death and some live a fairly long life while some others are blessed
with longevity. To some, death comes easily while some meet with a gruesome
death. Some die diseased while some meet with death in an accident. There are
those who are bed-ridden and longing for death while the fit and fine are
suddenly taken away by the grip of death. Some die a peaceful death leaving for
the heavenly abode happily. Another might have not wished to leave just yet or
may have left with a heavy heart, troubled to see the family suffering. The
Horoscope says it all! At the time of death, what will be the subject's
personal and professional life, his/her financial status, emotional and mental
structure, familial situation, etc. When will the subject die, at precisely
what time and place and who will be by his side? Everything can be deduced from
the subject's Horoscope.
In fact, your Astro-Maestro's study
of the subject is so in-depth that it is also possible to read the subject's
after-life journey, too!
Just ask and the pandora's box of
answers called your Kundali or
Horoscope will be opened up for you.
Translated from Astro-Maestro AbhayjJi's Press column.
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