Saturday, October 4, 2014

How medical Astrology can help prevent diseases…

Your Astrological Birth chart or Natal chart can clearly predict the diseases or ailments that you may suffer in the future. With honed skills for reading your Horoscopes, it may be deduced which exact part of your body will be affected and at exactly what age? The Liver, the kidney, heart or brain, the different types of Cancers that have been discovered, orthopedic problems, blood related problems all can be detected and also solved without a single medical test. 
Your charts say it all!

Medical Astrology has powers to  eliminate a disease or an ailment in totality by reaching the very root cause of it all. There have been patients suffering from major diseases, who were cured through medical Astrology, after Medical Science declared them incurable and deemed impossible to survive any longer.

Medical Science can detect an ailment or disease only after glaring symptoms are seen in the patient. By that time the disease must have already set in and taken control of the body. Your natal charts however foretell the subject's future in all aspects , right from the time of birth. From the horoscopes, it can be easily found out whether the subject will suffer from a certain disease or not. If the subject is destined to suffer from a particular disease then at what age will he be affected?

Thus being forewarned of such a probability, it is possible to work with Medical Astrology and take precautionary measures beforehand thus eliminating any chances of the disease affecting the subject at all.

If you are reading this a little a little late and you believe your ailment has progressed, let me assure it is still possible to turn things around. As per the planetary placements in your charts, one can try the remedies suggested through Astrology and rest assured the results will be more than satisfactory.

It simply all boils down to just 3 requisites, your Date of Birth, your Time of Birth and Place of Birth. It is all that is in fact needed to give you a brighter and more secure future.

Translated from Astro-Maestro Abhay GuruJi's articles.


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